Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Christmas at the Cape!

We kind of got sidetracked during Halloween, and then to boot, it rained and was miserable. I ended up in tears (most of my "help" had to cancel) and it was just one thing after another. I'm thankful a couple cooler heads prevailed and at least we could sort of pull it off. If we do it again next year, we're thinking of putting it all in the garage.


Anyway, I was ready to be past Halloween this year. I wanted to dive into the Christmas stuff!

We don't have a whole lot, so we purchased two trees and a few lights strings this year. We're po' folk so we're going to get our Christmas on as cheaply as possible. Here's a couple of those inexpensive Christmas decor ideas that just so happen to look cheery as possible in Jen and Guy's Little Cape.

Dollar store gold ornaments in dollar store glass.
Notice the art? I'll be tutorializing these at ChristmasinOhio soon.

These are my normal throw pillows with pillowcases from Dollar Tree. Yes, $1 each!
Dollar Tree has a section of silver and gold this year. These guys look very pretty on the mantle with their ornament strings removed, don't you think?
The gold Dollar Tree reindeer.