Thursday, November 20, 2014

Euclid Citizen's Police Academy #28 - Fall 2014

Guy and I complete the Euclid Citizen's Police Academy #28 - Fall 2014 tonight. I have to say, I really got a lot more out of it than I was expecting. It was 11 weeks in total with various speakers and activities including range time (my first use of a firearm) and a ride along.

Euclid holds the academy twice a year, and there isn't any cost to residents to sign up. It is definitely worthwhile. They meet just one night a week. The classes are instructed by Sgt. Joel Barron... and he's seriously the most thorough, relaxed, and proficient instructor.

Here's my photos from tonight's graduation.


Hey Guy want a picture?

There was pizza

Pizza line

Pizza, con't.

Chief Brickman

I always look like this. BURN.

The Chief

The Alumni!

ECPA #28!


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