Monday, January 6, 2014

Snowpocalypse in Euclid: Day 1

We aren't as snowed in here as I was afraid we might be. It started last night but I haven't seen much snowfall at all in the past few hours.


♪ ♫ Baby, it's cold outside ♪ ♫

When I went to let Mars out, we had to break the frozen door open! And by "we", I mean I went to let her out, the door wouldn't open so I had to beat on it and push and she just backed up in a panic and I think maybe swallowed her own vomit.

So not really any snow yet, I'm not sure if we're supposed to get any or what. 

Here's 4:37 am last night vs. 4:37 pm today. (Mouseover image)

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