Monday, July 14, 2014

Bathroom Jen: Older, Wiser...

There have been many epic battles that mere mortals have courageously faced head on. The Battle of Hastings, the Siege of Orleans. Neither lost to the endless span or clutter of history, will forever be to my recollection, allegedly, among the ranks of this bathroom remodel.
She is woman, hear her grout.

It is now July 14th and we began this journey on June 16th. I miss my real bathroom.

Just yesterday Guy finished the tile. Today it's my job to give the room a good clean up so we may grout in the next two days. I cannot tell you how refreshing it feels to be doing something other than installing tile! One more trip to the tile aisle at the Euclid Home Depot and they are going to crown me Grand Marshal of mortar.

Oh, but the recessed lighting is in place, and it looks even more stellar than I could have hoped! This update is more of an excuse for a photo dump, so without further teasing...

2 layers of linoleum under the old cement board
Tiled! We had the shorten the shelf at left
I TOLD you these looked outstanding!
Mosaic over the plumbing line
 We chose our grout color, too. I think it'll go very nicely with the tile:

So what's that leave?
  • Grout walls and floor
  • Install vanity and sink
  • Install glass shelves
  • Install new exhaust fan

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