Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 2014 Euclid Coffee with A Cop with Santa and Mrs. Claus!

My SIL Krystal and I went to Coffee with a Cop this past Tuesday, so Jaiden could see Santa. It was hosted at the The Mary Mavec Opportunity School of Euclid. The even have a gift shop with handmade jewelry and some very cool artwork.

I have to give it up to somebody - or the group of somebody's - that have been coming up with these community events, like the Coffee with a Cop and getting the Euclid Citizen's Police Academy going again. Guy and I just completed the latter, and we're going to join the Euclid Citizen's Police Academy Alumni Assocation.

Say it three times fast and you get a prize!

Anyway, we attended this Christmas edition of Coffee with a Cop and Jaiden had such a good time! We parked and right behind us, in a cruiser, was Santa and Mrs. Claus. Have you ever seen a three year old's mind blown? She could barely peel her eyes off what she was seeing to get out of her car seat.

Everyone was friendly and once Jaiden warmed up, she had a blast. Santa kept going outside and she'd be plastered to the windows trying to keep an eye on him!

The kids and the clients at the Mary Mavec School all made pine cone Christmas tree ornaments. Then we sang Christmas Carols - no joke!

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