Thursday, August 27, 2015

Insomnia Jello No. 3 - Creamy Triple-Citrus Gelatin Dessert

Although this is terribly late - I still haven't completed Insomnia Jello! The remaining ingredients are still sitting on the kitchen table, waiting for me.

How did the un-molding of the mandarin mousse mold go? Well, I let it sit in the fridge for over 12 hours, and swirled it in tap hot water for about 20 seconds and it started to melt OF fucking COURSE, but it was not a total fail, and it tasted very good.

Note the melt? Oh well.

It must be something or it wouldn't be me vs. Jello from now until the end of eternity. Wrap your mind around that one.

At any rate, this gets us to the largest jello dessert I've ever attempted, the Creamy Triple-Citrus mold. It's epic, and at 5 packages of Jell-o, no one is going without a serving.

I don't know if I would say this was the easiest one of the three I've tackled so far, but it felt like I put in the least effort.

Get out your checkbooks!
*actually from Amish country.
Combine boiling water and 1 lime gelatin, dissolve, chill for 15 minutes.

Get it out of the chillbox and add in 1/2 cup of sour cream.

Ready, set, whisk your brains out.

This could be easily just drunk down at this point.
Pour into mold, (the BIG ONE) and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare 2 packages of lemon Jell-o with boiling water.

Mix until the powdery deliciousness is dissolved, refrigerate in bowl for 25 minutes.

This recipe is timed really well. When it's time for the mold to come out, it's also time for layer 2 to be mixed with sour cream and added to the mold.

1 full cup of sour cream

Reverse over easy.
Whisk, and pour onto the green lime layer!

Gelatin pleases me, creamy gelatin is just a fucking tease. Naughty.

Pour it on top, stick it back in the fridge for 30 minutes. Repeat all above with the orange Jello-o.

Add sour cream to chilled jello and layer into mold.

Refrigerate and bring to your waiting family at your moms house!

Unmolding... We dipped it for like, a hot second and banged on it. It came out, it was huge and it was delicious! We have a Mikey at the table, and even Mikey liked it!

I don't believe I'll ever master the removal. I barely changed the temperature on this thing and it's still sweating like a fat kid at a buffet.

I will definitely make this again! The lemon layer was my least favorite, but the different flavors you can use makes it quite adaptable.

Recipe source

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