Monday, March 9, 2015

Painting at 5 AM

Tonight I removed old linoleum from the bottoms of the floor cabinets (scraping and hot water!) and primed them.

I feel so funky.

Drawers on the counter

Mt. Cereal in the corner
The mess is definitely my least favorite part. I have a constant nag in my head to go remedy the situation.

But the cabinets are all primed (save the doors). I'm putting new white linoleum down rather than removing adhesive from the linoleum I peeled up.

You might not be able to see it, but I can sure feel it.
 Scraping and shoving in the water trying to peel that linoleum off has given me a wicked blister.

...And a ruined mani. My pinky finger actually peeled backwards, that's why all the polish popped off.


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