Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Security Cam h264 Files are EVIL

This tutorial will work for at LEAST Zmodo files and Aposonic files.

The problem: You save/download some video from your home surveillance cameras and it is in h264 format. You can play it with VLC media player but can't do simple edits in Windows Movie Maker.

Why? Because a video needs a container. An mp4 video is a video inside a container. An h264 video does not have a container. I finally found a stupid-easy way to convert these, and it's free.

I have saved you the trouble of downloading countless "freeware" bullshit programs that don't do what you need them to do anyway.

What we are going to do: Convert our h264 home security video into an mp4 file so it can be opened and edited in Windows Movie Maker.

You are using a Windows PC. Go here to download the latest build of FFmpeg. Save it.

It is a 7zip file. You will need to extract it. Once you do that you'll have a folder full of these files:

See the \bin folder? Put your h264 (raw) video into that folder.

Execute (by double clicking) ff-prompt.bat. This will open a command prompt window.

At the prompt, copy and past this command with your filename in place of "yourfile.h264".

ffmpeg -i yourfile.h264 -codec:v libx264 -profile:v high -preset slow -b:v 500k -maxrate 500k -bufsize 1000k -vf scale=-1:480 -threads 0 -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k output_file.mp4

Hit enter, and wait. It will drop a new file called "output_file.mp4" in the \bin folder.

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